Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The book 'Gravitation' by Nainan K. Varghese

Current knowledge about gravitation is limited only to a part of its dynamic actions on three-dimensional matter bodies. So far, no attempts to discover the nature and real actions of gravitation have succeeded. The primary obstacles in the way of a realistic theory on gravitation are the deep-rooted conviction in ‘action at a distance’ through empty space and the neglect of static aspects of gravitation. This book is a compilation from the revolutionary alternative concept described in the prior published book ‘Hypothesis on MATTER’. It provides a new and better understanding about the true nature of gravitation. Gravitation, according to this concept, is a push action by the universal medium on matter. Sole aspect of gravitation, known currently – the gravitational (apparent) attraction between individual matter bodies - is only a byproduct of distinct gravitational actions on separate bodies and it originates from the all-encompassing universal medium rather than from the matter bodies themselves. Main functions of gravitation are creation, conservation and obliteration of 3D matter in the universe. All natural forces are shown to originate from gravitational actions and thus proving that their observed diversity to be merely an apparent phenomenon. This concept establishes that there is no ‘action at a distance’ and all natural forces are same. Available at:

Hypothesis on MATTER

Hypothesis on MATTER is a revolutionary new concept, which attempts to explain all physical phenomena related to matter based on just one type of fundamental particle – the Quantum of matter. These particles form, what the author calls, 2D energy fields. Space is assumed to contain an infinite number of 2D Energy Fields extending in all directions. Author masterfully explains a wide array of physical phenomena, from the origin of matter to gravity and subatomic interactions to cosmological events, based on the simple mechanical interactions of quanta of matter. There is no more any need to envisage actions at a distance or to invoke irrational assumptions like diversity of forces, mass-energy equivalence, constancy of light’s speed, dual nature of electric charge, singularities, big bang, etc. This new concept will radically alter our understanding of the physical universe and at the same time, explain complex physical phenomena with simple Cause and Effect relationships. ‘MATTER (Re-examined)’ Volume I (Print): Volume I (E book): Volume II (Print): Volume II (E book):