Saturday, September 17, 2011

Size reduction of disturbances

Development of a disturbance breaks continuity of the 2D energy fields and forms gaps in their latticework structures. 2D energy fields around the disturbance tend to reform and establish continuity of their latticework structures. This attempt is prevented by presence of disturbance in the gaps of latticework structures. However, in this process, latticework squares around the disturbance, in each of the 2D energy fields, deform. 2D energy fields are distorted so that their junction points are in contact with the perimeter/surface of the disturbance. Each 2D energy field creates tightly enclosing envelop around the disturbance, in its own plane. As 2D energy fields are inherently under compression, a disturbance, breaking their continuity and existing within the structural gap of 2D energy fields, experience external pressure all around its outer perimeter/surface. External pressure on a disturbance tends to reduce disturbance’s size to minimum. Magnitude of a disturbance is related to its perimeter and it can be reduced by reducing disturbance’s perimeter. This can be achieved in two ways. For the same area, a circular figure has minimum length of perimeter. As external pressure on a disturbance is equal from all sides, it is a natural tendency for all disturbances to attain circular shapes in all planes of its existence. It is an inherent property of the 2D energy fields to form disturbances in circular shape. Even after a disturbance (in any plane) becomes circular, external efforts from 2D energy fields (gravitational pressure) continue to compress it until it attains highest matter-density, permitted in nature. Highest matter-density is that of a basic 3D matter-particle and that of a quantum of matter. For this, external pressure, exerted by 2D energy fields, on a disturbance has to be extremely large. Contrary to current beliefs, gravitational effort is extremely huge, compared to other manifestations of ‘natural forces’. Depending on the compactness of quanta of matter, constituting a disturbance (formed by multiple quanta of matter in any plane), matter-density of a disturbance in that plane may vary. It will be the aim of gravitational pressure to compress a disturbance (in each of the planes of its existence) to highest matter-density and circular shape. Sum of perimeters of two smaller circles is more than the perimeter of a single circle, whose area is equal to sum total area of smaller circles. Therefore, magnitude of total disturbance in a 2D energy field can be reduced by combining smaller disturbances to form a single but larger disturbance. Gravitational actions by 2D energy fields tend to combine smaller disturbances to form larger disturbance, by driving them towards each other. This phenomenon is understood as (apparent) gravitational attraction.

Friday, September 2, 2011


A matter-body, which is not a part but causes discontinuity of its latticework structure, is a ‘disturbance’ with respect to a 2D energy field. It may be in the form of a group of independent 1D quanta of matter, a 2D matter-particle, a 3D matter-particle or the most basic 3D matter-particles in a macro body. A disturbance has a definite perimeter and breaks continuity of 2D energy field(s) of its existence. It has a separate identity and existence in 2D energy fields. Although disturbances are not parts of 2D energy fields, they are contained within the 2D energy fields. 2D energy fields encompass a disturbance and they are in constant direct contact with it, all around its periphery in all spatial dimensions of its existence. Every point on a disturbance’s perimeter is in direct contact with surrounding 2D energy fields. All actions on a disturbance are performed by the 2D energy fields. Each 2D energy field affects peripheral points of the disturbance in its plane. Therefore, magnitudes of actions on a disturbance are proportional to number of direct contact between 2D energy fields and the disturbance, which is proportional to magnitude of its perimeter. Since, 2D energy fields are inherently under compression, a disturbance that breaks their continuity is bound to experience compression from 2D energy fields. All disturbances experience constant compression, all around its periphery, from the 2D energy fields of its existence in all spatial dimensions. This phenomenon of external pressure on a disturbance from all around its perimeter may be called ‘gravitation’ or ‘gravitational pressure’. Although deformations in latticework structure disturb stability of 2D energy fields, as they do not cause discontinuity in them, deformations or distortions in their structures are not ‘disturbances’. Deformations of 2D energy fields are ‘work’, existing in that region. They are not separate entities from 2D energy fields. Stress, due to the deformations in 2D energy fields, is ‘energy’, associated with the work. Energy has no separate or independent existence. As all ‘types’ of work are deformations of 2D energy fields, they are identical. Stresses in deformed 2D energy fields are also identical. Hence, there are no different types of energy.