Monday, May 23, 2011

Stable length of a Quantum of matter

Self-elongation compels a free two-dimensional quantum of matter to reduce its tangible measurements to single spatial-dimension. As this process go on, more and more of its periphery approaches to become parallel to major axis of its elliptical body. If matter-content of the quantum of matter is sufficient, a stage may reach, when a part of quantum of matter’s periphery between two adjacent points and similar part of its periphery on geometrically opposite sides become parallel to each other and parallel to major axis of matter-content. At this stage adhesion between opposite sides of periphery being much greater, these points tend to approach each other at a faster rate. Such displacement may create identical inward dents at these points on the periphery. Consider a hypothetical case, where matter-content of a quantum of matter is extremely large. As soon as dents appear on their periphery, adhesions at these points (except at the middle of the dents) are no more towards each other, but in the direction of perpendiculars to periphery at the dents. Dents will widen and gradually separate matter-content on either side into two separate quanta of matter. This possibility reduces probability for quanta of matter with very large matter-contents, in nature. Presence of other quanta of matter in space interferes with unlimited self-elongation of any quantum of matter. If these quanta of matter (in the same spatial dimension as the self-elongating quantum of matter) can restrict the growth of self-elongating quantum of matter before dents are formed on its periphery, it can be preserved as a stable entity. This is usually the case. Higher external efforts than what are needed are usually available from the ends of a self-elongating quantum of matter. Should magnitudes of these efforts reduce, the quantum of matter is able to grow more in its single-dimensional space. Should magnitudes of these efforts increase, the quantum of matter grows into two-dimensional space. Since, the universe is in a steady state; all available matter is already divided or reduced into quanta of matter of stable size. Average matter-content of quanta of matter in the universe is suitable for the current state of universe. No further division of quanta of matter or their matter-contents are necessary. As there is no definite mechanism to restrict matter-contents of quanta of matter to exact quantity, quanta of matter may differ from each other in quantities of their matter-contents. All quanta of matter, other than few of those constitute three-dimensional matter-particles; have somewhat identical quantity of matter in them. They are in their single-dimensional status (on the verge of conversion into two-dimensional status) with identical lengths as their tangible measurements. Uniformity and regularity of shape of universal medium is the result of uniform matter-contents of constituent quanta of matter. Any quanta of matter with higher/lower than average matter-content create disturbances in universal medium that may lead towards creation of 3D matter-particles from universal medium. This tendency removes any quanta of matter with non-uniform matter-contents from universal medium and paves way to creation of 3D matter-particles.

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