Friday, October 8, 2021
Creation of 3D matter-particle
Due to their inherent compression, quanta-chains around a gap in the structures of 2D energy fields grow (extend) into a gap in universal medium and reduce the area of the gap (volumetric space). As a result, many of the free quanta of matter in the gap(formed by a rapture in the latticework structures of universal medium) will not be able to migrate back into latticework structures of 2D energy fields. Quanta of matter, which are unable to gain their position in the latticework structure, are gathered together, within the gap, by the encroaching quanta-chains. These free quanta of matter are compressed by each of the 2D energy fields, in its own plane, until the combined body of free quanta of matter become a single integrated matter-body (while maintaining their individualities), a circular ‘2D disturbance’ within each of the 2D energy fields. This phenomenon gives rise to the property of 2D energy fields to reduce any disturbance in them to minimum magnitude. Magnitude of a disturbance in any plane is the length of its perimeter in that plane and in contact with the 2D energy field.
If the matter-content of a 2D disturbance in a 2D energy field is more than certain limit, compression on the disturbance compel constituent quanta of matter in the 2D disturbance to grow into their third spatial dimension. A disturbance, growing into the third spatial dimension, creates real three-dimensional matter. In our sense, this is the creation of real matter from 1D matter-particles (functional entities with respect to 3D beings). A reverse process describes reversion of real 3D matter into its functional state. Main functions of gravitation are creation, conservation and obliteration of 3D matter in the universe.
Larger 2D disturbances are compressed further by the 2D energy fields into their 3D state. Gravitational actions by 2D energy fields on a group of randomly oriented free quanta of matter (within a temporary gap in the 2D energy fields) compress the collection to create matter core of a basic 3D matter-particle. During the creation of a 3D matter-particle, unevenness of gravitational action on its surface causes ejection of the 3D matter-particle (in full or in part) from the 2D energy field, where it was originally located. 2D energy fields are everywhere in space. Newly created 3D matter-particle can never escape from being in many 2D energy fields, simultaneously. Therefore, ejection of 3D matter-particle from 2D energy fields of their existence is a continuous process. This creates the inherent property of a circular 3D matter-particle to move in a linear path in 2D energy fields.
Asymmetry of ejection effort on a circular 3D matter-particle about its centre initiates spin motion about one of its diameter. Eventually, gravitational actions on the 3D matter-particle move it at a constant (highest possible) linear speed and spin it at an angular speed, proportional to its 3D matter-content. 2D energy fields exert gravitation by creating structural distortions in the region surrounding the 3D matter-particle. All work (energy) required for the creation and motion of a 3D matter-particle is stored in the structural distortions of 2D energy fields associated with the 3D matter-particle. As the distortions are transferred through 2D energy fields at the highest possible linear speed, the 3D matter-particle is also carried with the moving distortions. Surrounding structural distortions in the 2D energy fields mould the 3D matter-particle’s core body into segmented spherical (disc) shape and move it at the highest possible linear speed. Radial size of the 3D matter-particle is maintained at a critical value, which is common to all moving 3D matter-particles.
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