Saturday, September 17, 2011
Size reduction of disturbances
Development of a disturbance breaks continuity of the 2D energy fields and forms gaps in their latticework structures. 2D energy fields around the disturbance tend to reform and establish continuity of their latticework structures. This attempt is prevented by presence of disturbance in the gaps of latticework structures. However, in this process, latticework squares around the disturbance, in each of the 2D energy fields, deform. 2D energy fields are distorted so that their junction points are in contact with the perimeter/surface of the disturbance. Each 2D energy field creates tightly enclosing envelop around the disturbance, in its own plane.
As 2D energy fields are inherently under compression, a disturbance, breaking their continuity and existing within the structural gap of 2D energy fields, experience external pressure all around its outer perimeter/surface. External pressure on a disturbance tends to reduce disturbance’s size to minimum. Magnitude of a disturbance is related to its perimeter and it can be reduced by reducing disturbance’s perimeter. This can be achieved in two ways.
For the same area, a circular figure has minimum length of perimeter. As external pressure on a disturbance is equal from all sides, it is a natural tendency for all disturbances to attain circular shapes in all planes of its existence. It is an inherent property of the 2D energy fields to form disturbances in circular shape. Even after a disturbance (in any plane) becomes circular, external efforts from 2D energy fields (gravitational pressure) continue to compress it until it attains highest matter-density, permitted in nature. Highest matter-density is that of a basic 3D matter-particle and that of a quantum of matter. For this, external pressure, exerted by 2D energy fields, on a disturbance has to be extremely large. Contrary to current beliefs, gravitational effort is extremely huge, compared to other manifestations of ‘natural forces’. Depending on the compactness of quanta of matter, constituting a disturbance (formed by multiple quanta of matter in any plane), matter-density of a disturbance in that plane may vary. It will be the aim of gravitational pressure to compress a disturbance (in each of the planes of its existence) to highest matter-density and circular shape.
Sum of perimeters of two smaller circles is more than the perimeter of a single circle, whose area is equal to sum total area of smaller circles. Therefore, magnitude of total disturbance in a 2D energy field can be reduced by combining smaller disturbances to form a single but larger disturbance. Gravitational actions by 2D energy fields tend to combine smaller disturbances to form larger disturbance, by driving them towards each other. This phenomenon is understood as (apparent) gravitational attraction.
Friday, September 2, 2011
A matter-body, which is not a part but causes discontinuity of its latticework structure, is a ‘disturbance’ with respect to a 2D energy field. It may be in the form of a group of independent 1D quanta of matter, a 2D matter-particle, a 3D matter-particle or the most basic 3D matter-particles in a macro body. A disturbance has a definite perimeter and breaks continuity of 2D energy field(s) of its existence. It has a separate identity and existence in 2D energy fields. Although disturbances are not parts of 2D energy fields, they are contained within the 2D energy fields. 2D energy fields encompass a disturbance and they are in constant direct contact with it, all around its periphery in all spatial dimensions of its existence.
Every point on a disturbance’s perimeter is in direct contact with surrounding 2D energy fields. All actions on a disturbance are performed by the 2D energy fields. Each 2D energy field affects peripheral points of the disturbance in its plane. Therefore, magnitudes of actions on a disturbance are proportional to number of direct contact between 2D energy fields and the disturbance, which is proportional to magnitude of its perimeter.
Since, 2D energy fields are inherently under compression, a disturbance that breaks their continuity is bound to experience compression from 2D energy fields. All disturbances experience constant compression, all around its periphery, from the 2D energy fields of its existence in all spatial dimensions. This phenomenon of external pressure on a disturbance from all around its perimeter may be called ‘gravitation’ or ‘gravitational pressure’.
Although deformations in latticework structure disturb stability of 2D energy fields, as they do not cause discontinuity in them, deformations or distortions in their structures are not ‘disturbances’. Deformations of 2D energy fields are ‘work’, existing in that region. They are not separate entities from 2D energy fields. Stress, due to the deformations in 2D energy fields, is ‘energy’, associated with the work. Energy has no separate or independent existence. As all ‘types’ of work are deformations of 2D energy fields, they are identical. Stresses in deformed 2D energy fields are also identical. Hence, there are no different types of energy.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Properties of 2D energy fields
A 2D energy field is a two-dimensional entity. It has only length and breadth as its fundamental spatial dimensions. A real entity in space essentially exists in all spatial dimensions of the space. Hence, however small its third spatial dimensional measurement may be, a 2D energy field has its existence in the third spatial dimension also.
A volumetric space is made up of great many parallel planes, in contact. If a plane is considered to have no thickness, any number of parallel planes cannot constitute a volumetric space of any thickness. Since 2D energy fields occupy volumetric space, each 2D energy field has certain thickness and there is a definite separation between two 2D energy fields in adjacent parallel planes. Parameters of a 2D energy field or other 2D bodies can be accurately determined only after evolving a mathematical system that can measure thickness of a plane or breadth and thickness of a straight line.
Combination of 2D energy fields (universal medium), as envisaged in ‘Hypothesis on MATTER’ [described in the book, ‘MATTER (Re-examined)’] as a substitute for space, has the following inherent properties: These properties are derived from inherent properties of their constituent quanta of matter and mechanical structure of their latticework formations.
2D energy fields are two-dimensional entities made up of single-dimensional quanta of matter. Each 2D energy field exists and acts in its own plane. Only one 2D energy field exists in any one plane and all possible planes in all directions in 3D space contain one 2D energy field each.
2D energy fields in different planes, passing through a point in space, co-exist at the point. However, each 2D energy field can act only in its own plane.
Quanta of matter in a 2D energy field are held under compression from their ends, in quanta-chains situated in perpendicular directions, crossing at junction points between quanta of matter.
In the stable state of a 2D energy field, constituent quanta of matter form sides of perfect squares in its latticework structure. A change from the stable state produces restoring reactions in the latticework structure.
2D energy fields are self-sustaining entities. They strive to sustain their integrity, stability, homogeneity, isotropy and serenity. Each 2D energy field has an adhesion within itself and tends to maintain its continuity in the plane of its existence.
Tendency of 2D energy fields to close-in any gap in their structure produces phenomenon of gravitation.
2D energy fields fill the entire space outside the most basic 3D matter-particles. Each 2D energy field extends indefinitely in all directions in its plane. Since there are no voids (or limits to the extents of 2D energy fields), no 3D matter-particles can exist outside 2D energy fields.
All higher-dimensional spatial systems exist within the 2D energy fields and all higher-dimensional matter-particles are disturbances with respect to 2D energy fields.
2D energy fields tend to reduce disturbances in them to minimum; either by reducing their sizes by shaping them circular and compressing to smaller size and/or by ejecting the disturbances from the site of their creation.
All 3D matter-particles are created from, sustained by and reverted back into 2D energy fields.
2D energy fields provide an all encompassing universal medium for all 3D matter-bodies and apparent interactions between them.
On the whole, the 2D energy fields are perpetual and steady in space. No new 2D energy field is ever produced. They provide an absolute reference.
Region of 2D energy fields, about a 3D matter-body, stores work in the form of distortions (and energy in the form of stress, associated with the distortions) to sustain integrity and stability of the 3D matter-body and its current state (of motion).
Distortions (work-done) and corresponding energy in two 2D energy fields cannot interact directly. Transfer of distortions or interactions between distortion fields are limited to the plane of each 2D energy field. Simultaneous actions in many planes appear as an action in 3D spatial system.
3D matter-particles are displaced in space by the transfer of distortions in steady 2D energy fields. Absolute motions of matter-bodies are with respect to the steady 2D energy fields.
3D matter-bodies are moved by 2D energy fields rather than the bodies move through 2D energy fields.
Latticework structure of a 2D energy field causes sequential development of distortions in neighbouring latticework squares. Distortions, once developed, remain permanently within the 2D energy field, unless removed by external action. These phenomena give rise to the property of inertia.
Interactions between two points in a 2D energy field are confined to the plane containing both the points. [In order to avoid theoretical possibility of more than one 2D energy field passing through two points, here, a point should be understood to be having the smallest area and be a part of one 2D energy field plane. So that, there can be only one 2D energy field passing through any two coplanar points].
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
2D energy fields II
Although 3D matter-particles are created out of and by the 2D energy fields, volumetric shape and space enclosed by their bodies are distinct from surrounding 2D energy fields. 2D energy fields maintain constant contact at a 3D matter-body’s surfaces and maintain its three-dimensional status. 2D energy fields, inherently being under compression, exert external pressure on all 3D matter-particles (disturbances) in it. This phenomenon is gravitation. Gravitational effort is enormously stronger than all other manifestations of ‘natural force’. ‘Natural forces’, classified into various types (gravitational attraction, electromagnetic, nuclear, inertial, etc. forces), are derived from gravitational actions. Hence, there is only one type of effort in nature and all ‘natural forces’ are different manifestations of the gravitational efforts.
Actions are recognized by inertial motions of corresponding 3D matter-bodies. Magnitudes of gravitational actions are proportional to the extent of 2D energy fields, applying the effort. Since the 2D energy fields extend infinitely, their extents on the outer sides of a pair of 3D matter-bodies are always greater than their extents in between the bodies. Hence, gravitational actions on these bodies are greater on their outer sides. Resultant of gravitational actions on these bodies appears to push them towards each other. This phenomenon appears as the ‘gravitational attraction’ between them. Currently, only this dynamic-part of gravitational action is considered as its sole nature. Static nature of gravitation is more important and basic. Since the gravitational actions are between 3D matter-particles and 2D energy fields, which are in direct contact, they change instantaneously and continuously on changes in parameters of corresponding 3D matter-bodies.
Gravitational actions by 2D energy fields are the basis of creation of 3D matter, development of various primary and fundamental matter-particles, formation of atoms/molecules and macro bodies. 2D energy fields create, sustain and gradually destroy all 3D matter-bodies in nature. Nature of distortions in the 2D energy fields, in and about matter-bodies of various sizes and structures, defines their characteristic properties and nature of apparent interactions between them.
Gravitational attraction between (macro) matter-bodies compels them to move in space. Hence, all 3D matter-bodies in nature, except stable galaxies (with angular motion), are under linear motion. Galaxies have special mechanism that keeps them in relatively static location within 2D energy fields. As a whole, the universe is steady and perpetual. However, 3D matter and macro bodies in different parts of universe are cyclically destroyed and rebuilt. During destruction, 3D matter is reverted to its basic form of quanta of matter to become part of 2D energy fields. Simultaneously, 3D matter-particles are formed elsewhere in the 2D energy fields through various stages of creation and conversion to produce 3D macro bodies.
Every possible plane in space contains a 2D energy field, each. 2D energy fields in different planes, passing through a point, co-exist at that point. 2D energy fields fill the entire space outside the most basic 3D matter-particles. 2D energy fields in all possible planes in three-dimensional space, together, replace the functional entity of ‘space’ with a real entity of universal medium, formed by ‘2D energy fields’. Since a volumetric space is filled with the 2D energy fields and 3D matter-particles in it, the entire volume of space is occupied by quanta of matter, either in the form of 3D matter or as matter in lower spatial dimensions. Total matter-content within this volume of space is comparable with matter-content of a 3D matter-particle occupying similar volume of space. Since the 2D energy fields cannot act among themselves, matter-content enclosed within this volume of space, in the form of 2D energy fields, cannot express itself to 3D rational beings. However, a 3D matter-particle of the same volume can be acted upon by surrounding 2D energy fields. Rational beings recognize (3D) matter-bodies by their expression of actions to an observer. Therefore, even though the matter-content of a volumetric space in the 2D energy fields remains hidden from observers, a 3D matter-particle of similar volume within the 2D energy fields is observable. This is why the 3D matter is considered as real matter and 2D and 1D matter are considered as functional matter in this concept. This hidden part of matter in the universe (occupying nearly whole volume of space) may be understood as ‘dark matter’.
2D energy fields extend in all directions to infinity. It is the ability of rational beings to gather information from a distance that determines limit of universe for them. Although 2D energy fields extents infinitely in all directions, it is the limitation on the ability of rational beings that limits the size of universe for them. This limit is identical in all directions, irrespective of location of observer in space. To any rational being, the universe appears spherical with definite size, which depends on its ability to gather information from.
2D energy fields accounts for creation, sustenance and apparent interactions of three-dimensional matter-bodies. Perpetuity of 2D energy fields bestows the universe with its ‘steady state’ of perpetual existence.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
2D energy fields I
2D energy fields are latticework structures formed by (apparently rigid) quanta of matter. Although they are made up of rigid matter-particles, 2D energy fields structurally behaves like an ideal fluid. A 2D energy field is easily deformed due to very small bonding strength at the joints between constituent quanta of matter. Distortions of limited magnitude are tolerated within a 2D energy field’s latticework structure. During distortions: (a). Quanta of matter meeting at a junction point deflect angularly from their stable alignment with respect to each other and/or (b). Quanta of matter in quanta-chains vary their length, depending on the variation of compression from their ends.
Angular displacements of quanta of matter at a junction point invoke angular reaction, from latticework, on the constituent quanta of matter to return to their stable relative positions. Similarly, a change in the length of a quantum of matter invokes reaction from latticework to restore its length suitable for stable configuration. Any distortion in a 2D energy field is always opposed by a reaction from its latticework structure. Reaction, within the latticework, tends to restore stability and serenity of a 2D energy field. Thus, it becomes an inherent property of a 2D energy field to strive towards its stable isotropic state. In its stable state, a 2D energy field is isotropic, homogeneous and serene. A 2D energy field, considered as a whole, is steady in space. Small local distortions in it may be transferred within its plane. Due to their steady state, the 2D energy fields can provide an absolute reference in space.
Deforming effort always acts against stabilising effort at junction points in the latticework structure. Due to its ability to stabilise itself, a distortion in a 2D energy field cannot remain static or localised; it spreads in the direction of effort that causes the distortion. 3D matter-particles are held suspended by the 2D energy fields within the distorted regions, being transferred. Transfer of distortions in 2D energy fields carry suspended 3D matter-particles in the region along with the moving distortions. Although a moving 3D matter-particle has no relative motion with respect to 2D energy fields in its immediate neighbourhood, it is displaced with respect to the vast expanse of 2D energy fields. Although distortions in 2D energy fields appears to move during their transfer, 2D energy fields as a whole, remains static, homogeneous, isotropic and serene.
All free distortions (not associated with 3D macro bodies) and distortions associated with the most basic 3D matter-particles, in 2D energy fields, travel at the highest possible linear speed (speed of light). Magnitude of this speed is limited by ability of 2D energy fields to transfer distortions in them. Distortions, associated with macro bodies/particles, may move at any linear speed, lower than the highest limit. As distortions in 2D energy field move, they carry all 3D matter-particles present in the region, along with them. In case of macro bodies/particles, this phenomenon causes inertial motion. Since, it is the displacement of the distortions, which moves the 3D matter-bodies; there is no relative motion between matter-bodies and surrounding 2D energy fields. It is like, when an object is blown away by wind, there is no relative motion between the object and air in its immediate neighbourhood. But the object has a clear displacement with respect to the large body of air in the region. Therefore, there is no friction between 2D energy fields and a 3D macro body, moving in it. There is no ‘aether drag’ on a macro body, moving through 2D energy fields.
Due to latticework structure of a 2D energy field and its inherent property of stabilization (except for gravitational actions in certain cases), deformations in a 2D energy field cannot be contained in any locality. Distortion in a 2D energy field is bound to spread-out in its latticework. If there is an external cause, distortions tend to be transferred in the direction away from the cause, without displacing 2D energy fields. Each latticework square transfers its distortion to the square in front and returns to its original state. Sequential spread of distortion, from one latticework square to the next, introduces a time delay in the development and transfer of distortions. As soon as the cause is removed, latticework structure of the distorted 2D energy field tends to regain its stability. However, distortions contained in the latticework will continue to move in their original direction, without loss of magnitude or change in direction, unless their magnitude or direction are changed/removed by an external agency by introducing deformations of different magnitude and direction in the latticework. These properties of time delay during development and transfer of distortions and constant speed of their transfer through 2D energy fields give rise to the property of inertia, which is presently attributed to matter-bodies. A distorted region of 2D energy fields is a ‘distortion-field’. Due to the latticework structure of a 2D energy field, distortions in it can exist only in a closed-loop-arrangement.
Actions by 2D energy fields are results of mechanical movements of its constituent quanta of matter, within their latticework structures. Since distortions in 2D energy fields are the cause of all actions, fundamentally there is only one type of effort in nature, which is currently bifurcated into many types of ‘natural forces’. Manner of distortions in the 2D energy fields determine the type of ‘natural force’ manifested during an interaction. Gravitation and inertia are properties of the 2D energy fields.
Displacements of quanta of matter (including the changes in their lengths) are tangible in 2D spatial system. They are real and constitute displacement in space, which is called ‘work-done’. Due to reactions, developed during deformations, 2D energy fields experience stress. Stress, produced by distortions in the latticework structure, is the ‘energy’ associated with the work-done. Rate of magnitude of distortions (work), being introduced into a 2D energy field latticework, is ‘force’ or ‘power’. Ultimately, displacements of ‘disturbances’ (matter-bodies) within 2D energy fields are produced by transfer of latticework distortions from higher distortion-density region to lower distortion-density region. This is the action of an effort. Whichever is the manifestation of effort (as classified into various ‘natural forces’ like: gravitational, electromagnetic, nuclear, inertial, etc.), they all act in similar manner. Thus, fundamentally, there is only one type of effort in nature. ‘Force’ is generally associated with motion of a 3D matter-body and it simply means rate of work done, irrespective of the nature of work or its source.
2D energy fields,
universal medium,
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Extent of lattice structure
As there are infinite number of quanta of matter in universe and the universe extents to infinity, lattice structure in each plane extents to infinity in all directions. Lattice structures by quanta of matter are always present in their own planes. No new lattice structures are ever formed. Although lattice structures of quanta of matter may occasionally breakdown locally, on the whole, they are perpetual structures in space. Lattice structures in different planes and crossing each other co-exist at points of their crossings.
As lattice structures by quanta of matter are present in all possible planes in space and each lattice structure extents infinitely in its plane, together, they fill entire space without void. Lattice structures in all planes together forms a ‘universal medium’ that fills the entire space. This entity is similar to aether in aether-theories. In order to distinguish this universal medium from others, like; aethers in different aether-theories, force fields, etc., it may be called ‘2D energy fields’. 2D energy fields and space become synonymous. Undefined functional space is replaced by a universal medium made of real matter.
Theoretically, few quanta of matter are able to form very vast latticework structure, however practically, there are far too many quanta of matter in each quanta-chain. Due to various occasions available for their local breakdowns and availability of free quanta of matter near such breakdowns, there are plenty of opportunities for free quanta of matter to infiltrate into quanta-chains of lattice structures. Such infiltrations cause excess number of quanta of matter in each quanta-chain. Changes in quanta-density of 2D energy fields are bound to vary their ability and actions. We can say that present quanta-density in 2D energy fields are suitable for current state of universe.
Presence of excess number of quanta of matter in a quanta-chain necessitates constituent quanta of matter to be pressed from their ends, against their self-elongating tendency. Each quantum of matter grows into second spatial dimension, while its length is reduced, until external pressure can be balanced by reaction from self-extension. Therefore, every quanta-chain and (in turn) whole of lattice structure are constantly under compression. Pressure exerted by a compressed 2D energy field (its natural stable state) on any 3D matter-body within a 2D energy field may be called ‘gravitation’.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Stability of lattice structure
Every junction in a stable latticework structure is made up of four quanta of matter each. Each quantum of matter tends to remain angularly equidistant from its neighbors. Each latticework square has four quanta of matter as its sides. Apparent repulsion between their bodies (as a result of adhesion between quanta of matter in contact at common junction point) tends to maintain shape of latticework square.
Deformation of a latticework square changes its shape. One or more sides of the latticework square may tend to elongate. Since the quanta in the lattice structure are already under compression and their lengths are controlled by the compression, lengths of sides of a deformed latticework square will be automatically adjusted to suit the required shape.
Similarly, if it is required to reduce lengths of latticework square’s sides, excess pressure from ends of quanta of matter will be able to reduce their lengths to suit the shape of latticework square. A reduction in length of a quantum of matter will be compensated by increase in its width. An increase in its length will be accompanied by a reduction in its width.
At a stable junction point, with four quanta of matter, each quantum of matter is under stress to move in line with its neighbor and form quanta-chain. Such motion is prevented by presence of four quanta of matter at the junction. Stress between neighboring quanta of matter tends to keep angle between neighboring quanta of matter at equal value.
If left free, a latticework square will automatically seek its most stable state in the shape of a perfect square. This is possible only if all sides of a latticework square are formed by quanta of matter of somewhat equal matter-content.
If deformation of latticework square is too great, number of quanta of matter at its junctions may be increased to accommodate more quanta of matter or reduced to have lesser number of quanta of matter. In these cases, geometrical shape of latticework squares may be altered temporarily. In this state, the lattice structure remains under stress as long as the deformation remains in the lattice structure.
Tendency of latticework squares and hence that of lattice structure to strive towards stable state, endows a lattice structure with its inherent property to strive towards isotropic, homogeneous and serene state. All deformations are opposed by equal and opposite stabilizing efforts.
junction point,
lattice structure,
Quanta of matter
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Formation of lattice structure
If there are more than two quanta of matter in contact with each other (in the same spatial dimension, at a place), interactions due to adhesion between their matter-contents at points of direct contacts between them, may move all quanta of matter so that their ends meet at a point in space to form a junction. Inter-quanta adhesion will further move the quanta of matter angularly in common plane, so that all quanta of matter meeting at a junction settle at equal angular difference between adjacent quanta of matter.
Each quantum of matter at every junction is capable to join another junction at its other end. Only stipulation is that all quanta of matter, joined by junctions are in the same spatial plane. Once, any two quanta of matter form a junction, all further additions to the junction will be in the same spatial plane. First two quanta of matter, which initiates build up of quanta-chain, determine spatial plane of all associated structures. Numerous junctions, formed at both ends of associated quanta of matter, form a latticework structure in its plane.
Junctions in a regular latticework have to have equal numbers of quanta of matter and they should be of equal lengths. Geometrically, each junction may have three, four or six quanta of matter each. Sections of latticework structure formed by junctions with three quanta of matter each appear in the shape of series of hexagons. They are structurally very unstable and flaccid. This structure is easily destroyed during deformations of latticework structure. Sections of latticework structure formed by junctions with four quanta of matter each appear in the shape series of of squares. They are structurally stable and yielding. This structure can withstand reasonable deformation and return to its stable state easily. Sections of latticework structure formed by junctions with six quanta of matter each appear in the shape of series of triangles. They are structurally very stable and rigid. This structure prevents all reasonable deforming efforts.
Nature chooses latticework structure that is stable and yielding. Latticework structure with four quanta of matter, to every stable junction, is superior construction. Each section of this latticework structure, which may be called a latticework square, has one quantum of matter as its side. In its stable and homogeneous state, sides of a latticework square are of equal length. During deformations, sides of latticework squares may change their lengths and the square may change its shape accordingly.
2D energy field,
lattice structure,
Quanta of matter
Friday, June 3, 2011
During lengthening process of a free quantum of matter, its ends may come in contact with other quanta of matter, which happens to be in its spatial dimension. Under such condition, the lengthening process of the quantum of matter is restricted, in the direction of the second quantum of matter. Matter-contents of the quanta of matter come in direct contact in the same spatial dimension. As magnitude of adhesion between their matter-contents (across their perimeters) is less than the magnitude of adhesion within each of their matter-contents, their matter-contents cannot merge. [Adhesion between contacting quanta of matter is due to their continuous movements and changes of directions]. If a lengthening-quantum of matter encounters other quanta of matter in other spatial dimensions, it will not be restricted in its growth.
Adhesive effort between matter-contents of two quanta of matter (in direct contact) tends to keep the quanta of matter, pressing into each other. If the direction of this adhesive effort is perpendicular to the body of any one of the quanta of matter, they will remain in an equilibrium state. Should the direction of adhesive effort differ from being perpendicular to the body of any one of the quanta of matter, it may be considered as combination of two resolved components. One component, which is perpendicular to the body of any one of quanta of matter, keeps the quanta of matter pressed into each other. While, other component of adhesive effort tends to move one quantum of matter (whose body is at an angle to the body of the other) towards one end of the other quantum of matter. This is the most primary instance of induced motion in nature.
Adhesive effort between two quanta of matter (in direct contact) tends to move either one or both of quanta of matter, towards each other’s ends, where together the quanta of matter form a junction and attempt to mutually turn their bodies to bring their (single-dimensional) bodies in a straight line. In this manner, free quanta of matter in space tend to form single-dimensional chains.
Due to frequent ruptures of these quanta-chains and availability of free quanta of matter (in space) to migrate into ruptured 1D quanta-chain, there are far too many quanta of matter in any single dimensional quanta-chain. Excess number of quanta of matter in a quanta-chain compels all constituent quanta of matter in the quanta-chain to be held at reduced lengths in their single-dimensional status. Tendency of quanta of matter in the chain, to grow in length, keeps all constituent quanta of matter in quanta-chains under compression from their ends. Normally (in current state of universe), quanta of matter in a quanta-chain are maintained at the brink of their growth into second spatial dimension. Should a discontinuity develop in the quanta-chain, inherent property of constituent quanta of matter enable quanta-chain to grow in length. Thus, it becomes an inherent property of quanta-chains to grow (lengthen) into any discontinuity in its spatial dimension.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Co-existence of quanta of matter at a point
A quantum of matter has certain matter-content. Matter is continuous and incompressible. Since matter is the substance, a quantum of matter has objective (real) existence in space. A quantum of matter can express its individuality only in spatial dimension(s) of its existence. No two real entities can exist in the same volumetric space. Therefore, no two quanta of matter can exist in the same space in the same spatial dimension(s). However, quanta of matter in different spatial dimensions but passing through the same point, in space, coexist at the point.
Practically, a quantum of matter (in any dimensional status), exists in all three spatial dimensions. When its measurement in any one spatial dimension is too small to be intelligibly measured by 3D beings, we must say that the quantum of matter exists only in two spatial dimensions. The quantum of matter may be qualified as a two-dimensional object. Similarly, when its measurements in any two spatial dimensions are too small to be intelligibly measured by 3D beings, we must say that the quantum of matter exists only in one spatial dimension. The quantum of matter may be qualified as a single-dimensional object.
A quantum of matter in its free state, tends to grow and exists only in one spatial dimension. External pressure from ends of a 1D quantum of matter can reduce its measurements in first-spatial-dimension and make its matter-body to grow into second-spatial-dimension, until it becomes a perfect circle in a plane. Further, if identical external pressure is applied all around the periphery of a 2D quantum of matter (in its second-spatial-dimensional state), its matter-body is compelled to grow into third-spatial-dimension, while reducing measurements in other two spatial dimensions. Growth into third-spatial-dimension will continue until shape of quantum of matter becomes a perfect sphere. As soon as a quantum grows in to its third-spatial-dimension, it becomes a 3D matter-body. This is the stage of creation of 3D matter, in nature. We, as 3D beings, can associate only with 3D matter. Additional pressure (if available) applied all around volumetric periphery of a 3D quantum of matter may reduce its volume and compel the quantum of matter to grow into a fourth-spatial-dimension, about which we know nothing.
Since, a quantum of matter has objective existence in its spatial dimension; no other quantum of matter can occupy its space, in whichever spatial-dimensional status it may be. However, two quanta of matter in different spatial dimensions have objective reality in different spatial-dimensions. Hence, each of them should be able to have objective reality at the point occupied by both of them. That is, quanta of matter, in different spatial dimensions should be able to co-exist.
As long as its own dimensional space is not occupied, a quantum of matter is able to co-exist with other quanta at a point in space. Two 1D quanta of matter occupying the same point in space, essentially, have to be at an angle to each other. Their negligible widths (as and when they are developed) have to be in different planes. Since they are 1D objects, they cannot extend into each other’s spatial-dimension so as to create discontinuity for other’s existence. Since two quanta of matter are in different planes and crossing each other at a point in space (they are in different spatial dimensions), they do not intrude into each other’s spatial-dimensions. Similarly, a quantum of matter can also co-exist with a 2D matter-body (its thickness is zero) in different planes. However, as all spatial-dimensions are occupied by a 3D matter-body, a quantum of matter will be unable to coexist with a 3D quantum of matter. It will have to remain outside the 3D matter.
A 1D quantum of matter exists only in its own one spatial dimension. Hence, a 1D quantum of matter is able to coexist with another 1D quantum of matter in all spatial dimensions other than its own. A 2D quantum of matter exists in a plane. Another 1D or 2D quantum of matter is able to coexist with it, in all spatial planes other than the plane of the 2D quantum of matter. If located in the plane of the 2D quantum of matter, the 1D quantum of matter will maintain its individuality and independence as a separate entity, even if it is a component of a 2D body, constituted by one or more 2D quanta of matter. A 3D body exists in all spatial planes passing through the body. A 1D quantum of matter is unable to coexist with the 3D matter-body or any of its constituent quanta of matter, in any of these planes. Even if the 1D quantum of matter is a constituent part of a 3D matter-body, it will keep its independence and integrity as a separate entity, within the 3D matter-body.
Quanta of matter preserve their individuality under all circumstances. However, in exceptional circumstances of accidents, nothing prevents a quantum of matter from parting into two separate entities. If the attempt, to part a quantum of matter into two, may develop and persist for longer time, the quantum of matter may part into two individual quanta of matter.
Another possibility is that of a quantum of matter with exceptionally large matter-content. Time required for an exceptionally large quantum of matter to move its whole matter-content to one side of a parting intrusion is too long, its matter-body will split into two separate quanta of matter.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Stable length of a Quantum of matter
Self-elongation compels a free two-dimensional quantum of matter to reduce its tangible measurements to single spatial-dimension. As this process go on, more and more of its periphery approaches to become parallel to major axis of its elliptical body. If matter-content of the quantum of matter is sufficient, a stage may reach, when a part of quantum of matter’s periphery between two adjacent points and similar part of its periphery on geometrically opposite sides become parallel to each other and parallel to major axis of matter-content. At this stage adhesion between opposite sides of periphery being much greater, these points tend to approach each other at a faster rate. Such displacement may create identical inward dents at these points on the periphery.
Consider a hypothetical case, where matter-content of a quantum of matter is extremely large. As soon as dents appear on their periphery, adhesions at these points (except at the middle of the dents) are no more towards each other, but in the direction of perpendiculars to periphery at the dents. Dents will widen and gradually separate matter-content on either side into two separate quanta of matter. This possibility reduces probability for quanta of matter with very large matter-contents, in nature.
Presence of other quanta of matter in space interferes with unlimited self-elongation of any quantum of matter. If these quanta of matter (in the same spatial dimension as the self-elongating quantum of matter) can restrict the growth of self-elongating quantum of matter before dents are formed on its periphery, it can be preserved as a stable entity. This is usually the case. Higher external efforts than what are needed are usually available from the ends of a self-elongating quantum of matter. Should magnitudes of these efforts reduce, the quantum of matter is able to grow more in its single-dimensional space. Should magnitudes of these efforts increase, the quantum of matter grows into two-dimensional space.
Since, the universe is in a steady state; all available matter is already divided or reduced into quanta of matter of stable size. Average matter-content of quanta of matter in the universe is suitable for the current state of universe. No further division of quanta of matter or their matter-contents are necessary. As there is no definite mechanism to restrict matter-contents of quanta of matter to exact quantity, quanta of matter may differ from each other in quantities of their matter-contents. All quanta of matter, other than few of those constitute three-dimensional matter-particles; have somewhat identical quantity of matter in them. They are in their single-dimensional status (on the verge of conversion into two-dimensional status) with identical lengths as their tangible measurements.
Uniformity and regularity of shape of universal medium is the result of uniform matter-contents of constituent quanta of matter. Any quanta of matter with higher/lower than average matter-content create disturbances in universal medium that may lead towards creation of 3D matter-particles from universal medium. This tendency removes any quanta of matter with non-uniform matter-contents from universal medium and paves way to creation of 3D matter-particles.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Self-elongation of a Quantum of matter
Matter-content of a quantum of matter has an adhesive property. This property is different from ‘attraction between parts’, as we usually understand adhesion. Adjacent points within the matter-content tend to stick together. (A point may be understood as an area/volume of matter, whose area/volume is negligible). This tendency is not carried beyond nearest points in the matter-content. There is no adhesion directly between two points, interposed by another point. Therefore, magnitude of adhesion between any two points within the matter-content is always the same, irrespective of distance between them or matter-content present between these points.
We shall consider a hypothetical (free-floating) critically stable two-dimensional quantum of matter. This particle exists only in two spatial dimensions. It is a perfectly circular sheet of matter in a plane. It has no tangible thickness. Every point on its periphery experience adhesion of equal magnitude towards the centre of its circular body. As long as directions of adhesion at every point on its circular perimeter are directed towards centre of the body, the quantum of matter remains in critically stable 2D spatial state.
Even a slight change in the shape of quantum of matter’s circular body changes directions of adhesion available at various points on its periphery. There will be only two sets (diametrically opposite) of peripheral points, where adhesion is directed towards the centre point of the body. At all other peripheral points, adhesion will be directed along perpendicular to tangent at that point.
Slightly misshaped circle is an ellipse. It has two coordinate axes. Components of adhesion at every point on the periphery of an elliptical-shaped 2D quantum of matter, directed towards major axis of the ellipse will be greater in magnitude than those directed towards minor axis of the ellipse. Perimeter of the elliptical 2D quantum of matter tends to approach towards its major axis. Such deformation of the quantum of matter increases differences in magnitudes of adhesion at peripheral points at an accelerating rate. As a result, the matter-content of the quantum of matter squeezes itself to constrict its body’s existence in second-spatial dimension. Constriction of its existence in second-spatial dimension compels the body of quanta of matter to grow in first-spatial dimension. This character appears as its self-elongation.
Similar phenomenon reduces a three-dimensional quantum of matter into two-dimensional object. In free space, a quantum of matter reduces to single-dimensional object of infinite length. Since, there is no free space with respect to a single quantum of matter, infinite increase in its length is a hypothetical consideration.
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