Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Expansion of universe, Big bang:

Advent of ‘Law of universal gravitation’ necessitated that all 3D matter in the universe accumulate at a central point. This does not happen in observable universe. 3D matter appears distributed more or less uniformly in an infinitely vast universe. In order to overcome this conundrum, many theories were proposed, which required 3D matter-bodies at greater distances to repel each other and thus overcome gravitational attraction between them. Illogical theories of ‘expansion of universe’ and ‘Big bang theory’ were among them. As no logical cause for the expansion on universe could be proposed, while maintaining observable effects of gravitational attraction, the ‘big bang theory’ was proposed. The thought of expanding universe brings in another fallacy that the bodies farther than certain limit should be moving at linear speeds greater than the (ultimate linear speed) linear speed of light. It is this distance that is currently regarded as the limit of observable universe. Idea of expansion of universe originated from the discovery that frequencies of light from remote galaxies reduce (red-shifted) as they approach earth. This is falsely interpreted as farther bodies are receding from the earth at linear speeds proportional to distances between earth and those bodies. Cause of red-shift of light was based on the assumption that the light is electromagnetic wave in nature. In order to do this, the Doppler Effect, applicable to sound (transfer of work) in the form of waves through material medium was incorrectly applied to assumed waves of light transmitted though vacuum. However, corpuscles of light (photons) are the most basic 3D matter-particles and they are translated through and by surrounding universal medium, structured by quanta of matter. Disc-shaped 3D matter-core of a photon moves at the highest possible (hence constant) linear speed and spins about one of its diameters at a frequency proportional to its 3D matter-content. Due to stabilization mechanism of the universal medium, each photon continuously loses part of its 3D matter-content and reduces in frequency, while travelling through vast distances. This is the reason for red-shift of light received from farther bodies and this indicates the distance between the bodies rather than translation of these bodies. According to an alternative concept, proposed in the book ‘MATTER (Re-examined)’, a universal medium structured by quanta of matter fills the entire space outside the most basic 3D matter-particles. It has definite mechanism by which distances between neighboring stable galaxies are maintained steady. This prevents stable galaxies from approaching each other and enables a steady state universe, parts of which are cyclically destroyed and renewed. See:

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